Tuesday, November 27, 2007

MY FAVORITE AUNTIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My aunties name is Jaime she is the best no one could ever replace her. We do things that no one would ever do! Shes also really pretty dont you think post a message on my blog and tell me. Like that one time she took me to get my toes done. At the time it was my first time getting my toes done so that is why she is my totally awesome aunt.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

MY MOM'S BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's november 25th and its my moms birthday. I'm so happy and she's excited its going to be great! Were about to leave to go see the 49ers and cardinals! We're all voting for the 49ers. The 49ers are the best! then the cardinals come in second place but the 49ers will always be the best and that is what we are doing for my moms birthday.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

My best buddy!

My best buddy is Heather Swainston!!! She is soo cool and soo fun to be around. Not to mention when she cRaCks me up! I thought my best friend was going to be a girl named Adrianna, but it turns out that she comes in second place because I have grown far away from her because she lives in L.A, California. So I have grown really close to my neighbor! (heather) So that is why she is my bestest buddy!

Greenday is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Greenday is my favorite band. They are totally awesome! They totally rock! I love them, and they sound soooooooooooo great! When they come to concert, I'm totally going to go and see them. I don't know know why I love Greenday so much, but I guess it's because of my cousin Teresa because she is a total fan, too. If you walk into her room, it's like covered in Greenday posters, not to mention all of the souvenirs. So that is why I love Greenday!

Friday, November 23, 2007

First post!

hi everyone my name is corrina a.k.a. kena . I am ten years old.A lot of people think I'm funny and cool to be around .I'm a total softball freak, my dream is to become the first woman to play on a professional baseball team.I have been playing ever since I was five.So as you can see I'm not a girly girl.